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MYRA Creates A Strong Foundation For Its Employees

Press Release: MYRA Creates A Strong Foundation For Its Employees

Myra has built a steady reputation as a developer who remains abreast of industry developments and attributes its success to its innovative management style of refusing to stagnate. While many organisations erroneously feel that a start-up culture is what it takes for a company to grow, Myra recognises that it is in fact maintaining the energy and enthusiasm of a start-up while acknowledging growth, that allows them to remain in tune with the homebuyers’ journey. 


Spirited and willing to experiment may not be terms that you immediately associate with home developers, but Myra believes in hammering these values home to its employees, right from the get-go. The reason for this is simple; to stay relevant with the younger set of property-purchasing clientele, Myra’s employees need to have their finger on the pulse of customer needs. Many organisations would expect its employees to mindlessly toe the line in the pursuit of profit, but what Myra has done is help its team shape their focus through an internal Charter which guides both new and existing team members towards a shared company culture mindset.

At the heart of Myra’s Charter are the 7 core company values including Innovation, Growth, Empathy and Fun, which balances goal-centric behaviour with a sense of personal purpose.  Perhaps most refreshing to note is that Myra upholds a company culture that values and rewards speaking up. Employees are encouraged to communicate personal stories to better understand the property industry, but also learn not to fear the consequences of sharing an opinion or constructive criticism. 

360-degree feedback surveys are employed, reinforcing the value of speaking up and providing a chance for team members to give their input not only to their peers and subordinates, but superiors as well. This is done annually, giving employees ample time to reflect and internalise their feedback

But company charters are only as good as their implementation, which is why employees at Myra fill out a weekly purpose reminder to keep their eye firmly on their work goals. Managers in turn assess their team on a quarterly basis to ensure that the right people are exactly where they should be.

It is these constant navigation corrections that Myra makes that enables its employees not just to do their work but become better at it, over time. Myra has made the deviation from traditional in order to revamp the ways of an organisational structure by getting young blood aboard. Myra believes that young, first-time homebuyers will be able to resonate with a team of young individuals when it comes to understanding their needs and preferences. 

“Our set up is rather unique where we do everything in-house. This makes it easier for us to remain transparent, and for important information to be highly accessible for those who need it. It also makes it easier for teams to collaborate and share ideas, regardless of which department they are in” explains Akil Kalimullah, Culture Chief at Myra.

“In fact, we do not care much for hierarchy and titles. This allows us to be fluid in areas where we can contribute, which is key to being agile, and solving problems quickly and effectively. We understand that managers do not have all the answers, and sometimes ideas can come from the most unlikely groups of people,” Akil elaborates.

In its continuing efforts to gain and maintain the right people for its team, Myra deploys stringent hiring filters that turn the usual, expected process on its head. An online application questionnaire and multiple rounds of interview first focus on a company culture fit before considering technical abilities or work experience. The potential hire is then given a case study that is formulated by a manager for the exact role that they have applied for. This meticulous process sifts through the candidates leaving only the ones who are truly passionate about joining the company because they believe in its purpose of customer satisfaction.

“On one hand, we are looking for people who have experience in the property industry, but we are also looking for candidates who fit in with the growth trajectory that Myra is on. We want people who can constantly think about bringing value, that we in turn as a company can share with our customers. If you’re going to be spending all that time, energy and money into searching for your home, for your sanctuary, then each and every one of us at Myra, believes it is our purpose to guide you through a journey that is both easy and exciting,” concluded Akil.

-End Of Press Release-

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Charles Tan

Charles is Founder of He writes from his investment experience for the the past 20 years in investments including property, stock, unit trust and more as well as readings and conversations with many property gurus in the industry. is an independent property blog which is not affiliated to any media company, property developer or even real estate agencies.


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