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Malaysians can travel overseas anytime. Must fulfill these 3 things.

Malaysians can travel overseas anytime. Must fulfill these 3 things.11th October 2021. My TravelPass will be abolished from tomorrow.

Of course, need to fulfill 3 important things too.

Just announced yeah. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said that the MyTravelPass will be abolished starting tomorrow. Therefore, fully vaccinated Malaysians and those residing in the country can travel abroad following the government’s decision. Plus this latest news too: Inter-state travel starts 11th October 2021

#1 Need to be fully vaccinated.

Fully vaccinated is not just having the two jabs yeah. It means two jabs from any of the approved vaccinates (AZ, Pfizer, Sinovac) plus either 14 days or 28 days for Cansino. This should be easy because on average over 90% of Malaysians have been vaccinated. This should be the number tomorrow 11th October 2021 yeah since we were extremely close to 90% yesterday (10th October 2021).

#2 That country we want to travel to accepts you lah

As usual, we can only travel to that country is that country does not blacklist our country currently lah. As stated, there are countries which does not allow international travellers. There are also countries which has a list of countries which they do not allow. So, whether we can travel or not also depends on whether that country feels Malaysia has done enough to keep the Covid-19 under control.

#3 Need money lah…

Third one is a basic one. We still need to ensure we could pay for the flight tickets. This is likely to be high because not all flights are back yet and thus choices are definitely more limited than previously. The plus point is maybe the hotels in that country would welcome us, so the room rates may be better than before Covid-19 arrived lah. So, as long as we are ready with the money, go ahead and travel starting tomorrow.

Happy travelling and do REMEMBER that when you are back, quarantine is needed and usually quarantine is needed when we arrive in that country too.

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Next suggested article: Buying a property? Never ending saving, saving and saving money…

Header Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh from Pexels

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Charles Tan

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