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Travel Bubble Malaysia: Reopening SOPs for Langkawi

Not too long ago, we heard about Langkawi being the first to become the ‘sandbox’ programme for Malaysia. The first ‘sandbox’ was the one by Phuket. if you like to know how impactful was that, read the article here: Update on Phuket sandbox. How many visited?

As for our Langkawi program for the fully vaccinated travelers, it is supposed to start on 16th September 2021. That’s like not too far away and it’s two days before my birthday. Haha. Here’s that article: Travel Bubble Malaysia: Langkawi starts first. Now, we have one more news and that’s about the reopening SOPs for Langkawi.

Article in Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri said full vaccination was the top condition in the standard operating procedures (SOP) for Langkawi’s reopening the ministry submitted to the National Security Council. Fully vaccinated domestic tourists from ALL STATES would be allowed to travel to Langkawi from Sept 16 under a pilot travel bubble programme.

She said, “The NSC is reviewing the SOP, which we hope will be approved and gazetted by the middle of next week. (We had suggested that) when Langkawi reopens, all domestic tourists are allowed to come, regardless of what phase (of the National Recovery Plan of the state) they are in.”

She also said Langkawi was picked as the pilot project while other tourism destinations would reopen once the locality’s vaccination rate reaches 80 per cent. Please do refer here for the full article: Article in

Precautions are always necessary even with fully vaccinated travelers

I am fully against no more masks even with Travel Bubble Malaysia yeah. We cannot and must not follow the examples from the US and the UK. I am also against unvaccinated people being allowed to do the same activities are the vaccinated if we have achieved sufficient herd immunity. I am also against reopening our international borders until our hospitals are back to normal operations.

For now, it’s really possible to rely on domestic demand for goods and services too. Everyone has not been travelling for a long time and they will revenge travel when allowed to. Time to get them to spend their money in Malaysia versus flying out.

Yes, I know that I will have to live with Covid-19 for a very long time to come

I am all for living with Covid-19 because I do not believe it is possible to eliminate it once and for all. Sorry yeah, our current vaccines (all brands) were all based on the original virus while the current virus strains are already maybe 5th, 6th or even 7th generation. There is no way to stop the infection like previously anymore. However, all the vaccines can stop the potential for hospitalisation and ICU. That matters a lot.

Happy making plans if Langkawi is your coming destination. Travel Bubble Malaysia starts soon.

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Next suggested article: Time to cheery pick as property prices will soar post Covid-19

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Charles Tan

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