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Living longer and staying healthier. Up to 78 years old!

Living longer and staying healthier. This is super important and I have written about this before. Earlier article here: Living Longer, Yeah. More money needed, Oops. What we need to know is that as we could live longer, we also need to stretch our money over a longer period of time too. I shared during many talks that Malaysians used to work for 30 years and when they retire, they only need the accumulated savings to last another 10 years. Today, we may work for 30 years but our savings better be enough to last twice or longer years. Coming back to what’s happening to Malaysians who live longer as per shared by Khazanah Research Institute.

Article in Khazanah Research Institute’s (KRI) latest publication – Social Inequalities and Health in Malaysia show that Malaysians are now living longer with a male and female newborn in 2020 can expect to live to the age of 72.6 and 77.6 years, respectively, about 11 years longer compared to newborns in 1970.

However, there’s also a caution. The report read, “Many Malaysians experience debilitating health conditions such as heart diseases, back pain and mental ill health, especially in their later years. Thus, discussions on health must be expanded beyond the length of years lived to how much of those years are lived in good health.” It shared that an average person’s healthy life expectancy in 2019 was 65.5 years. Please do read the full article here: Article in

Staying healthier is not just possible but also affordable

As for staying healthier, fortunately it’s something within our control too. Exercising is FREE unless we need to go to some fancy gyms. Wearing a usual T-shirt is perfectly fine too and there’s no need to buy a new T-shirt just for exercising. A RM49.90 sports shoe (can buy here at my favourite branded store) which lasts 1 year is far better than a RM200 shoe which lasts 3 years. I could go on but I think we get the point. It’s all about choices, really.

Let’s do it for our loved ones and what we love

For parents with children, do you want to watch them grow into adults and maybe even play with your grandchildren? Stay healthy. For couples, would you not want to spend more time with your partner? Stay healthy. For singles who just want to live life to the fullest, loves to travel the world, then better stay healthy too. Overweight is usually the start of everything downhill when it comes to being healthy yeah. Eat healthy too.

living longer
Photo by Zen Chung on

Stay safe and stay healthy. Till the next article.

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Next suggested article: Working until 68. Still healthy I guess

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Charles Tan The Founder The Writer Kopiandproperty
Charles Tan

Charles is Founder of He writes from his investment experience for the the past 20 years in investments including property, stock, unit trust and more as well as readings and conversations with many property gurus in the industry. is an independent property blog which is not affiliated to any media company, property developer or even real estate agencies.


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