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Langkawi Travel Bubble? It’s for the world! Excited?

Langkawi Travel Bubble? It’s for the world!

A friend said, “It’s just LANGKAWI lah…” She was commenting on the announcement that Langkawi will be a travel bubble for domestic visitors and now it will be open to international visitors. I did not bother to ask her lah, let’s just say that it’s not important at all. Everyone should have their opinion.

Perhaps she likes the sand in the famous Kuta Beach instead… or maybe the sand in Sentosa island… or maybe even the Gold Coast in Australia… It’s okay, go visit them yeah. I am sure they will be open very soon as well for international visitors.

As for me, I am okay with Langkawi travel bubble if many international visitors want to come once it’s opened to international visitors on 15th November 2021.

Article in Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri said that the international tourism bubble for the Langkawi pioneer project will be for tourists from all countries.

She said that there would be strict procedures in place to curb the spread of Covid-19 at the resort island.

She said, “The procedures include ensuring arriving tourists use tour agents registered with the ministry. The agent will be the one who will arrange their entire journey and they will not come directly to Langkawi on their own. This is the mechanism we use, so if anything happens, like infection cases, the agent will be held responsible.”

The international tourism travel bubble for Langkawi, slated to begin on November 15. Please do read the full article here: Article in

Have I visited Langkawi yet? (after Langkawi Travel Bubble started)

My wife and I would like to visit Langkawi with our daughter and son. However, both of them are not yet vaccinated as they are under 12. What I am aware of is that there is a possibility for vaccinations for under 12 to start even within 2021. So, I am very optimistic. Here’s that latest news about developments in Malaysia and also in the US too.

Let’s see when will that trip will be since even the schooling year for 2021 will only end February 2022. That latest news here. A few of my good friends have already visited Langkawi. One showed a romantic dinner place, another showed her long legs relaxing by the pool. My photo when I am there? The kids lah… Haha.

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Charles Tan

Charles is Founder of He writes from his investment experience for the the past 20 years in investments including property, stock, unit trust and more as well as readings and conversations with many property gurus in the industry. is an independent property blog which is not affiliated to any media company, property developer or even real estate agencies.


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