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Financial news: My city has MORE Billionaires than your city.

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Financial news: My city has MORE Billionaires than your city.

How many zeros are there in a billion?

If we write a 1 followed by nine zeros, we will get 1,000,000,000 = one billion! If we write a 1 followed by six zeros,
we will get 1,000,000 = one million. Are you aiming to be a millionaire or are you already on the road towards becoming a billionaire? Well, investing along may be tough to reach RM1 billion. Probably becoming an entrepreneuer would provide such a possibility. Here are all the richest Malaysians. Yes, they are all within the billionaires group. Ranking usually do not rank anyone without at least a billion to their name. Who are the richest Malaysians in the world?

Where do billionaires love to stay?

If I am a billionaire, I would not want to stay at any one place for a long time. I would prefer to travel to a different city every few weeks. I want to see the world. I like to eat lots of good food. I hope to go to gym in many different cities. I like to hike up mountains in different countries. Well, I also need to be a billionaire who’s no longer working or needs to work. Okay, coming back to the real world, let’s look at all the real billionaires. Let’s know where they love to stay.Which city would they love to buy a property and stay for a long time?

Article in There are 129,500 millionaires in Hong Kong between 2012 – 2022. It has grown by 40% to 240,100. This is now a low number but it has fallen down the ranks. It is now ranked 7th in the world and is behind Singapore which is ranked 5th. In 2012, it was ranked fourth.

The top 3 cities where there are the highest number of millionaires are New York City, Tokyo and San Francisco Bay Area. These three cities are then followed by London which is 4th in the list.

Juerg Steffen, Henley & Partners’ chief executive officer, said, “Being able to relocate yourself, your family, or your business to a more favorable city or have the option to choose between multiple different residences across the world is an increasingly important aspect of international wealth and legacy planning for private clients.”

Here’s Henley & Partners’ ranking of the world’s richest cities: 

RankingCity/AreaNumber of millionairesChange between 2012 and 2022Number of billionaires
1New York City340,00040%58
3San Francisco Bay Area285,00068%63
6Los Angeles205,40035%42
7Hong Kong129,500-27%32

Please do read the full article here: Article in

Who are at the top of the top currently?

Do refer to for the full article here. Click here: By the way, the top is NOT from the online world yeah. It’s all to do with luxury, luxury and luxury.

Read an earlier article about luxury goods here: If you are looking to invest, perhaps luxury can be a good place to start

Keep it up in whatever you are doing. As they say, aim for the stars. At least you would hit the clouds and that’s a really great achievement already. Cheers.

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Next suggested article: When rates rise, buying falls, financial logic right?

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Charles Tan The Founder The Writer Kopiandproperty
Charles Tan

Charles is Founder of He writes from his investment experience for the the past 20 years in investments including property, stock, unit trust and more as well as readings and conversations with many property gurus in the industry. is an independent property blog which is not affiliated to any media company, property developer or even real estate agencies.


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