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Highest paid TVB actor has a property in Malaysia

Someone earning a HK$ salary may not find it easy to buy a property in Hong Kong. Even if they could the size is likely to be small or they have to buy much further away from the island side. If they choose to buy a property in Malaysia, then they would think that the prices are rather affordable. That’s why we occasionally read about Hong Kong stars buying a property in Malaysia.

Not too long back, we have heard of some purchases of Malaysian properties by Hong Kong movie stars. For example, Bosco Wong. (read here for his purchase back in 2019) Another example is more recent, Eric Tsang with a property in KL. (click here to read) There is another one. This is said to be TVB’s highest paid actor. Yes, from all those entertainment news, it does seem that this is a nice guy.

Article in TVB’s highest-paid actor Moses Chan says that he will be visiting Malaysia more often now that he owns a property here. reported that Chan was given a serviced residential unit worth RM845,800 during his appearance at the launch of Maris Place KLCC recently.

Oriental Daily quoted Chan as saying that this was his first time being gifted a property and all his properties are for his three children. He said, “I am just a worker, earning money diligently from my acting jobs and cafe.” He also shared this about his investment, “Even when I invest in share markets, I will opt for long-term investments that will give me two or three-fold returns.” Do read the article: Article in

What does this tell us about property?

Two important things. A developer will be willing to get an ambassador for its project if this ambassador is someone well known. Of course one major attraction for other buyers is that they would have a neighbour who is a HK TVB major star. Who knows if they could be at the gym at the same time as the movie star? In the future lah, not immediately.

Second thing is that real estate will always be favoured by many. As we can read from the article, eventhough the property in Malaysia was a gifted one, Moses has purchased properties for his children. This meant that he believed in property even before this particular property gift. He wanted to gift these properties to his children yeah. So, Malaysian fathers, think about it.

It’s also not just about Hong Kong stars yeah, over 40% of the wealthiest Malaysians are real estate related yeah. 40% of richest Malaysians are property related. If this is still not enough to tell you the importance of property investment, then please just continue to invest in anything you think highly of okay. Property is not the only type of investment available to us.

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Charles Tan The Founder The Writer Kopiandproperty
Charles Tan

Charles is Founder of He writes from his investment experience for the the past 20 years in investments including property, stock, unit trust and more as well as readings and conversations with many property gurus in the industry. is an independent property blog which is not affiliated to any media company, property developer or even real estate agencies.


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