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GDP Malaysia 2021: One says 6 percent. The other says 5.6 – 6.7 percent. Who are they?

GDP Malaysia in 2020 was a contraction. What’s GDP Malaysia 2021? Here are some predictions / forecasts. Nope, of course it’s not by We are just a tiny blog without a proper research team. Haha. Do read on for the two huge organisations yeah.

Article in The World Bank Group says Malaysia’s economy is expected to return to positive growth this year, along with other economies globally on sustained progress in vaccine roll-outs that will boost consumption worldwide.

It said, “We are projecting a global growth of 4% this year. As for Malaysia, we project economic growth this year to range between 5.6% and 6.7%.” Do read the full article here: Article in

Some notes? It says that Malaysia’s economy is expected to be back to positive growth and this is along with other economies globally. Anyway, it’s ONLY projecting a global growth of 4% while for Malaysia, it is projecting between 5.6 – 6.7 percent. So, yes, do believe that we are going to grow faster than most countries in the world even though all are affected by COVID-19 pandemic yeah.

GDP Malaysia 2021
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Article in Moody’s Investors Service expects Malaysia’s real gross domestic product (GDP) growth to rebound by six per cent in 2021. It also expects the Malaysian economy to grow strongly by an average of five to 5.5 per cent over 2022-2023. This is higher than the median of 3.4 per cent over the same period for similarly rated peers.

It also said that Malaysia’s rankings for infrastructure quality, higher education and training, labour and product market efficiency, and technology adoption based on international surveys was the highest among regional emerging market peers. Do refer to the full article here: Article in

Some notes? To the people who kept condemning our higher education system, remember to write to them and condemn their views as inaccurate yeah. Anyway, one major reason why R&D centres will consider to locate their centre here in Malaysia is because we have the right manpower (because we have so many of other high-tech companies already here for many many many years) but if it is just a manufacturing concern, it will be way better to be based in a country whose population dwarfs Malaysia yeah. Business sense prevails.

Property market must NOT grow if the economy is now growing. Else, we are looking at a potential collapse due to speculative activities. However, when the economy is growing, more jobs are created and of course more people could afford to buy homes. When this happen, demand for homes go up and prices inch upwards. This is just common business sense. Hopefully everyone agrees with me. Else, do stop buying property yeah. Without support from economy, property market is unlikely to last very long. Happy investing.

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Next suggested article:  Property market depends on the economy. Agree?

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Charles Tan

Charles is Founder of He writes from his investment experience for the the past 20 years in investments including property, stock, unit trust and more as well as readings and conversations with many property gurus in the industry. is an independent property blog which is not affiliated to any media company, property developer or even real estate agencies.


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