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1 percent return on investment every day? Even every month is too much!


1 percent return on investment every day? Even every month is too much!

I recently posted that investment is when we understood what we are investing into. When we do not, then it’s either speculating or even gambling. A reader said that investors who are looking for short term returns are also investors. I agree yeah. As long as we are knowledgeable about what we are investing into, it does not matter short or long term. Let’s look at some return on investment typical numbers.

A typical Fixed Deposit would pay us 2% for the money we deposited AFTER 12 months. That’s 2% return 365 days later. A dividend stock may pay 6, 7 or even 8% returns per annum depending on the price we invested into those shares. They may give quarterly dividends for example but when all quarterly dividends add up, it’s the 6, 7 or 8% that is common.

Yes, it’s possible to earn higher than average return on investment

For someone who’s very good with trading and could spend enough attention, the person may gain much higher returns versus the dividend stocks too. However, this is because of the skills, knowledge and occasionally, the extra luck which is gained from experience.

It does not work for someone who does know anything

Just remember that when one knows nothing, then even 1 percent return per month is very high. A recent scam happened with someone who was waiting for 1% return daily. Scammers are also very professional these days. They are even willing to give returns as bait for more money…

Article in Kelantan police chief Datuk Shafien Mamat shared about a case where a businessman in his 30s lost RM191,000 after he was cheated by a female friend over an online investment recently.

He said, “According to the victim, the friend told him that the scheme promises a return of 1 per cent a day. Over a week, the victim made several transactions for the investment amounting to RM242,000 to bank accounts belonging to four individuals.”

“The money was for the purchase of crypto currency. The victim needed the currency to enable him to make the investment via an e-wallet app,” he said in a statement.

In under three weeks, Shafien said the victim withdrew RM51,000 in returns from the e-wallet app to his bank account. Later the victim found that the smartphone app no longer existed. Do read the full report here: Article in

Scammers are getting better, I need to keep writing to warn all

There was one scam where even the durian seller was cheated! Here’s the story: Musang King seller scammed over RM400,000!

Many scammers also target retirees too. Many times, retirees may be looking for higher returns and sometimes may ignore some potential scam signs. Here’s the earlier article: Scam. Retiree. RM400,000 parcel

I have at least two friends who found their partner online. Both are happily married with kids for over 10 years. However, not everything online is as what it seems. Please always be aware of all the tricks a scammer would use. Love is also another method scammers use

Please do be careful yeah. Hard earned money and all the return on investment may have taken many years to save up and this may all be lost in days to scammers. Please do keep sharing scammers’ tricks to all your loved ones, especially the older generation whom we may not be staying with. They may believe online is all believable.

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Next suggested article: Property is no longer a key retirement asset

Header Photo by Tara Winstead from Pexels

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Charles Tan The Founder The Writer Kopiandproperty
Charles Tan

Charles is Founder of He writes from his investment experience for the the past 20 years in investments including property, stock, unit trust and more as well as readings and conversations with many property gurus in the industry. is an independent property blog which is not affiliated to any media company, property developer or even real estate agencies.


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