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Marks and Spencer. Shutting stores because of NO SUPPLY?

Marks and Spencer. Shutting stores because of NO SUPPLY?

If you have been reading for a while, you would know that I am against Brexit. To me, it is better for Britain to remain in the E.U and not out of it. Well, somehow people voted, so decision has to be respected.

When I was in the UK way back in 1998, in my first group assignment on International Business module, there were not even a single British in my team. One was a French, another German, one from Hong Kong and there’s me. Of course in the whole course, close to half were British. It is common for Europeans to study in the UK then. Let’s see which country will benefit most from all these ‘loss’ for the UK.

So, now we have another news about Marks and Spencer having to shut their stores because they just could not get supplies. Erm…

Article in Paul Friston, managing director of the British company’s international arm said, “M&S has a long history of serving customers in France and this is not a decision we or our partner SFH have taken lightly.”

“However, as things stand today, the supply chain complexities in place following the UK’s exit from the European Union, now make it near impossible for us to serve fresh and chilled products to customers to the high standards they expect.”

M&S is announcing the closure of 11 out of 20 franchise stores in the coming months. Do read the details in the article here: Article in

Lessons to be learnt from this Marks and Spencer news?

Voting does not necessarily produce the best answers because the voters may not have the true picture of what’s going to happen. The voters may be voting because the party they like tells them to do so. The voters may be voting because of a better marketing campaign for Brexit versus against Brexit. The voters may be voting because they are following their community leaders who may not have sufficient knowledge about how economy works when you are out of an economic grouping…

You see, they have never been out of the grouping before yeah. When you insist on leaving, how do you think the grouping will react? Happily? Willingly? Think again. By the way, do google what has happened to the trucking industry for the UK due to Brexit yeah.

Well, all the best in going alone and perhaps this is when the UK may now forge even closer economic relationship with Commonwealth nations including Malaysia? We shall see. For now, some people working for Marks and Spencer will have to start looking for a new job.

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Next suggested article: Brexit happens. No ifs and buts says British PM

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Charles Tan

Charles is Founder of He writes from his investment experience for the the past 20 years in investments including property, stock, unit trust and more as well as readings and conversations with many property gurus in the industry. is an independent property blog which is not affiliated to any media company, property developer or even real estate agencies.


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